A morsel about reincarnation

By Mike Hall, January 16, 2024

I’ve never given much thought to the idea of reincarnation.

That is, until the last two weeks.

There’s a fella at the gym who is making me consider the possibility.

He does a set of leg curls…stands up, shakes his body, and is immediately transformed into a combination of a dancing Michael Jackson and martial arts master Bruce Lee.

This karate chopping, body like Michael,  gyration in the midst of others working out is quite a sight indeed.

So, I’m currently reading all I can to learn about reincarnation and if there’s ever been two people from the past coming back to inhabit and animate one individual.

***I enjoyed a terrific chat with this fella today. He related two remarkable facts.  First, he’s been selected to compete on The USA Olympic break dance team this summer in Paris. Second, he does have a link to Michael Jackson having taught the youngster many of his now famous moves when Jackson was 11 years old.

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