Ms. Nat

August 29, 2019

You are the air traffic controller of your mental airport. You control the planes that enter and takeoff. Some people want to unload their toxic baggage at your terminal…they are like termites to oak trees. You deserve sunshine, laughter, and the divine assurance that there is a grand plan leading you forward. Surely, there will […]


August 29, 2019

Brad Gilbert was commenting today at The US Open. He referenced a player having a tough patch by saying…’he is in a spot of bother.’ It made me consider the spots of bother that come streaming into my life each day. Do I catastrophize them (all too often) or realize they are inevitable…can I take […]


August 9, 2019

‘I know this is in my job description, but I really don’t want to touch your sweaty towel, sir.’

Krygios…the pampered one

August 8, 2019

Yonex, the racquet sponsor of Nick Kyrgios, has introduced a controversial contract clause that entitles the manufacturer to strip a chunk out of their clients’ retainer for every racquet smashed. Methinks Nick has not received the message after destroying so many racquets recently in Washington D.C., that his all too accommodating father had to ship […]

One great mom

August 8, 2019

We were in line last night at Sweet Tomatoes near The Park Meadows Mall in Lone Tree. Suddenly, there was a crash near the cash register as a seven year old’s plate hit the floor. I watched to see how the expectant mother would react. She passed with flying colors. There was no anger and […]

Oh Yeah

August 7, 2019

Hi Kelly,   Just a music morsel for you, this morning.    

British humor

August 1, 2019

  Just in case you need a quick laugh…scroll to the red arrow and enjoy.