
By Mike Hall, November 2, 2022

A story is told of a young mother who gifted her 14 year old daughter with a magic bracelet on her birthday.

It didn’t look extraordinary but, as the mom explained, the gift might be the most treasured she’d ever receive.

The bracelet was called  ‘mind matters.’  It senses when a person is upset or harboring negative thoughts. Immediately, it vibrates and a soothing voice is heard whispering…’your spirit is strong and true, let only positive vibes emanate from you.’

The youngster thought the voice was hoaky at first until one day a group of friends shunned her in the cafeteria. As her frustration began to mount, ‘your spirit is strong and true, let only positive vibes emanate from you’ was like a healing salve applied to a burn. After school, she rushed home from the bus stop to tell her mom how the magic bracelet saved the day.

The mother gave her some cookies and chocolate milk and they sat down at the kitchen table.

’Eileen…you may not have noticed, but this is one of many times that you’ve shown your spirit is stronger and brighter than any of the troubles that try to steal your light. Your teachers and coaches have all commented on how you shine…how you are able to handle the difficult moments with poise, grace, and perspective.’

’I guess you’re right mom…nothing seems to really bother me so much like before. And yes, it’s pretty neat how this bracelet gently reminds me to keep thinking right when I’m tempted to veer off course.’

’Thanks mom. I love you and this is surely the best gift ever.’



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